agent++ Timestamp object

how can I get the “timestamp” value inside an agent?
My table is defined like this:

        networkAlarmsTable           OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX              SEQUENCE  OF  NetworkAlarmsEntry
                MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible
                STATUS              current
                DESCRIPTION         "system alarm table."
                ::=  { alarms  2 }

        networkAlarmsEntry           OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX              NetworkAlarmsEntry
                MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible
                STATUS              current
                DESCRIPTION         "Row Description."
                INDEX               {  interfaceID, nAlarmCode  }
                ::=  { networkAlarmsTable 1 }

        NetworkAlarmsEntry  ::=  SEQUENCE {
                nAlarmCode          Integer32,
                nPerceivedSeverity  X733SEVERITY,
				nAlarmTimeStamp	TimeStamp

        nAlarmCode      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX              Integer32 (1..2147483647)
                MAX-ACCESS          read-only
                STATUS              current
                DESCRIPTION         "system alarm code."
                    ::=  {  networkAlarmsEntry  1  }

        nPerceivedSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX              X733SEVERITY
                MAX-ACCESS          read-only
                STATUS              current
                DESCRIPTION         "system alarm severity."
                    ::=  {  networkAlarmsEntry  2  }
		nAlarmTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
				SYNTAX	TimeStamp
				MAX-ACCESS          read-only
                STATUS              current
                DESCRIPTION         "System time (in ticks) at wich the alarm was triggered"
					::=  {  networkAlarmsEntry  3  }

The row constructor generated is like this:

		MibTable(oid_MIB_NetworkAlarmsEntry, ind_MIB_NetworkAlarmsEntry, 2) {
		// This table object is a singleton. In order to access it use
		// the static pointer mib_networkAlarmsEntry::instance.
		instance = this;

		add_col(new MibLeaf(col_MIB_NAlarmCode, READONLY, new NS_SNMP SnmpInt32()));
		add_col(new MibLeaf(col_MIB_NPerceivedSeverity, READONLY, new NS_SNMP SnmpInt32()));
	  add_col(new MibLeaf(col_MIB_NAlarmTimeStamp, READONLY, new NS_SNMP TimeTicks()) );

		//--AgentGen BEGIN=networkAlarmsEntry::apc_v3_mib_networkAlarmsEntry
		//--AgentGen END

somewhere in my code I call the function:

std::string idx = "1.3. ..."; 

My_Object my_object();
auto code = my_object->get_code();
auto sev = my_object->get_severity();

// now I have to compute the current timestamp in timeticks
// how can I generate an appropriate timestamp to populate the field
unsigned long timeTicks; // <= what should I put there to represent the current timestamp (in timeticks) ?

MibTableRow* row = find_index(idx.c_str());
//delete the row
if(NULL != row) remove_row(idx.c_str());

row = add_row(idx.c_str());
set_row(row, code, sev,timeTicks);



if your table is not persistent, you can create the time stamp like the sysUpTime class of agent++. For a persistent table, the MIB should define a base time (e.g. 2022-01-01 12:00 am), so you can calculate the time stamp relative to that time.

Kind regards,