Concurrent SNMP Get

I am having a strange problem with SNMP4J (we have the snmp4j 2.7.0). For the most part it has been working great, but we hit a snag over the holiday weekend. We are trying to status devices using SNMP Get (which work great) on SNMP3 devices. The issue is when we try and status 2 of the same types of devices on separate IPs and ports at the same time we get one status as coming back and the other as timing out. If I remove either one of the devices the SNMP GET will work, just not both together. I pulled up Wireshark and can see responses coming back from both devices, its just that my listener gets a NULL event back (on one of the devices). The only thing odd I see in the packets coming back is that both devices use the same engineID. Would this cause an issue? I know its not proper, but right now we would need to go back to our hardware vendor to have them update firmware.
Here is what our code (minus the processing) looks like:

class SNMPHardwareLayer extends HardwareLayer
   private static final int ALLOWED_ATTEMPTS = 3;
   private static final int TIMEOUT = 3000;
   private Map<Equipment, Target> m_equipTargets = new HashMap<>();
   private Snmp m_snmp = null;
   public SNMPHardwareLayer()

  public void startConnection()
   OctetString localEngineId = new OctetString(MPv3.createLocalEngineID());
   USM usm = new USM(SecurityProtocols.getInstance(),localEngineId,0);
      TransmportMapping<UdpAddress> transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping();
      m_snmp = new SNMP(transport);
      USM userSecModel = new USM();
  catch(exception e)
 public connectToEquipment(Equipment equipment)
     UserTarget target = new UserTarget();
     OctetString username = new OctetString(equipment.getUsername());
     OctetString password = new OctetString(equipment.getPassword());
     UdpAddress address = new UdpAddress(InetAddress.getByName(equipment.getIp()), equipment.getPort());
   OID authProtocol = AuthSHA.ID;
   OID privProtocol =;
  UsmUser usmUser = new UsmUser(username,authProtocol,password,privProtocol,new OctetString(equipment.getPrivPwd()));
public void runStatus(Equipment equipment, oid)
    Target target = m_equipTargets.get(equipment);
    PDU pdu = new ScopedPDU();
    pdu.add(new VariableBinding(oid);
    m_snmp.send(pdu,target,null, new ResponseListener()  {
                 public void onResponse(ResponseEvent event)
                       PDU response = event.getResponse();
                       if(response != null)
                             // Do some processing
   catch(Exception e)
public static void main(String args[])
    SNMPHardwareLayer layer = new SNMPHardwareLayer();
    // Fill out equipment 1 and 2 of the same device type just different IPs
    Equipment equip1 = new Equipment();
    Equipment equip2 = new Equipment();

   OID statusOID = new OID();
   /// Fill out same oid on both devices for status
         catch(exception e)

If this is a problem with my code please let me know. If not, is there a way to have my code not worry about the SNMP engineID being unique and simply map responses via UDP IP and PORT? BTW I only am thinking the engine ID because of this post:

Again if this is a red herring, then please let me know.

You answered your own question: the problem is the engine ID being not unique.
Unfortunately there is not much to fix on your side, non-unique engine IDs simply violate the SNMPv3 standard.
You could try the USM separation shown here:
but that is very ugly and error prone for more than X (two) devices sharing the same engine ID.
Using the sender IP and port to save engine times is not a good idea, because SNMPv3 entities using UDP can use a new sender UDP port and IP (different interface in a multi-home device) at any time.

Thank you for your confirmation. Again, I know its not proper, but was trying to figure out if there was a way we could essentially have SNMP4J “ignore” the engineID and simply map to the source port and IP. I realize this is like accessing a website that has a self signed certificate, but in our specific case it might have been ok since we are on a very air gapped network.
We have gone back to the vendor and having them make changes to their hardware to fix the issue.

Thanks very much!