I’m trying to figure out SNMP++ 3.5.1 and Agent++4.6.1 still support SHA1/SHA128 for SNMPv3 or not. If yes, can you please provide an example for ./snmpGet … and ./snmpSet … If not, do you have any ideas how to add SHA1/SHA128 into Agent++ 4.6.1. I need to use SHA1/SHA128 in the Agent++ multi_agent example.
I still saw SNMP++3.5.1 has SHA1 below
in snmp_pp\auth_priv.h:
const char *get_id_string() const { return “HMAC-SHA”; };
class HasherSHA1;
in src\auth_priv.cpp:
typedef EVP_MD_CTX* SHAHashStateType;
#define SHA1_INIT(s) evpAllocAndInit(s, EVP_sha1())
#define SHA1_PROCESS(s, p, l) EVP_DigestUpdate(*(s), p, l)
#define SHA1_DONE(s, k) evpDigestFinalAndFree(s, k)
class AuthSHA::HasherSHA1 : public AuthSHABase::Hasher
I also saw Agent++ 4.6.1 has SHA for “HMAC-SHA”
in: examples\multi_agent\src\agent.cpp
“SHAUserAuthPassword”, “”, engineID, false);
"testNoPrivGroup", storageType_nonVolatile);
However, I tried ./snmpGet --help and many things for SHA1/SHA128 like below
./snmpGet -v3 -P4700 -Cpublic -snSHA -sl1 -sm3 -cntestNoPrivGroup -authSHA -privNONE -uaAuthkey1 -upPrivkey1
./snmpGet -v3 -P4700 -Cpublic -snSHA -sl1 -sm3 -cntestNoPrivGroup -ce80001370056F6B632D6F38366769742D3031125C -authSHA -privNONE -uaAuthkey1 -upPrivkey1
But kept getting error on SNMP++ side
SNMP++ Get to SNMPV3 Retries=1 Timeout=1000ms
securityName= SHA, securityLevel= 1, securityModel= 3
contextName= testNoPrivGroup, contextEngineID=
(4)INFO : v3MP::EngineIdTable: Dont know engine id for (host) (port): (, (4700)
(5)DEBUG : v3MP: Building message with (SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID) (contextName): (), (SHA), (1), (), (testNoPrivGroup)
(3)INFO : v3MP: Message built OK
(4)DEBUG : SNMPMessage: return value for build message: (-1401)
(5)DEBUG : v3MP: Building message with (SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID) (contextName): ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (SHA), (1), ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (testNoPrivGroup)
(3)INFO : v3MP: Message built OK
(4)DEBUG : SNMPMessage: return value for build message: (-1401)
(2)INFO : v3MP::EngineIdTable: replace entry (old id) (old host) (old port) (id) (host) (port): ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (, (4700), ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (, (4700)
Received a report pdu: SNMPv3: Unknown Context
VB nr: 0
Oid =
Value = 17
Syntax = 2
But kept getting error on Agent++ side
(8)INFO : v3MP::Cache: adding new entry (n) (msg id) (req id) (type): (0), (4849664), (0), (remote)
(8)INFO : v3MP::Cache: Found entry (n) (msg id) (type): (0), (4849664), (remote)
(5)DEBUG : v3MP: Building message with (SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID) (contextName): ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (), (1), (), (testNoPrivGroup)
(A)DEBUG : ASN1: coding (context engine id) (context name): (), (testNoPrivGroup)
(A)DEBUG : ASN1: Encoding scoped PDU sequence (len): (50)
(3)INFO : v3MP: Message built OK
(5)INFO : USMUserNameTable: No entry for (user name) in table: (SHA)
(9)INFO : USMUserTable: Translated (user name) to (security name): (SHA), (SHA)
(8)INFO : v3MP::Cache: adding new entry (n) (msg id) (req id) (type): (0), (4849665), (26825), (remote)
(2)EVENT : RequestList: request received (id)(siz)(fro)(ver)(com)(type): (26825), (1), (, (SNMPv3), (SHA), (160)
(2)EVENT : RequestList: request received: (secmod)(seclev)(cid)(cname): : (3), (1), ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (testNoPrivGroup)
(7)DEBUG : Vacm: getViewName for: (model) (name) (level) (type) (context): (3), (SHA), (1), (1), (testNoPrivGroup)
(1)EVENT : RequestList: SNMPv3 (noSuchContext)(from): (testNoPrivGroup), (
(8)INFO : v3MP::Cache: Found entry (n) (msg id) (type): (0), (4849665), (remote)
(5)DEBUG : v3MP: Building message with (SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID) (contextName): ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (SHA), (1), ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (testNoPrivGroup)
(A)DEBUG : ASN1: coding (context engine id) (context name): ( 80 00 13 70 05 6F 6B 63 2D 6F 38 36 67 69 74 2D 30 31 12 5C …p.okc-o86git-01.), (testNoPrivGroup)
(A)DEBUG : ASN1: Encoding scoped PDU sequence (len): (69)
(3)INFO : v3MP: Message built OK