I guess I am the lucky person to post first in the new forum!
I have written a sophisticated custom client with SNMP4J playing an important role.
It receives traps, if they come from a source, such a test trap, produced by SNMP4J, on another system.
Enter Cisco Router, configured for authPriv, and authNoPriv…
tcpdump echoes the packets are received. SNMP4J code never acknowledges them!
Hunch is that although I have a UsmUser on the trap receiver class/method code for authPriv, and then reduced it to authNoPriv, both MD5, it’s trying to correlate an Engine ID somehow. Maybe it doesn’t exist in the Trap itself, maybe the router isn’t configured for an Engine ID.
The telecommunications company isn’t going to just let me start poking around in the router equipment, but when I used snmpwalk with authPriv, the snmpview worked and I received all OID’s. No engine ID in the output generated from the snmpwalk.
Is there a way in SNMP4J without Log4J or other loggers, to output to my own log file, that the trap was received, but ignored due to bad credentials or bad engineID? Catch an exception maybe?
I have a hit a total work stoppage after investing 3 months of programming full time man hours in SNMP4J, and team is about to throw it all away, because of this lack of really understanding how it all works.
Thank you for help!