MIB Designer 5.0.3 Release

MIB Designer 5.0.3 has been released 2021-01-08T23:00:00Z and provides a new flat default look-and-feel. In addition, a first dark look-and-feel is now supported.

When switching to the dark look-and-feel, you might want to adjust the colours of the tree node and SMI editor to have a better contrast for the dark mode. You can do this by using the “Set Defaults” button in the “View” menu of the MIB Designer “Settings” after having set the dark mode and restarted MIB Designer.


  • Java Runtime 9 or later.

Release Notes

  • Fixed: Table scrolling to top/bottom with high resolution mouse wheel did not work precisely, causing “jumping” table view.
  • New: Added new Look&Feel with support for a flat light and dark mode. This new look&feel is the default now, if no L&F has been set yet.