NotificationOriginator.notify() slow

When I try to send an Alarm Trap or an Alarm clear trap from my MIB, I call the following code

	if (vbs.length < 1)
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few notification objects (P6500WAlarmClear): " + 
vbs.length + "<1");
	// P6500WTrap
	if (!(vbs[0].getOid().startsWith(oidTrapVarP6500WTrap)))
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variable 0 (P6500WTrap)) has wrong OID: " + vbs[0].getOid()
		    + " does not start with " + oidTrapVarP6500WTrap);

	notificationOriginator.notify(context, oidP6500WAlarmClear, vbs);