Forwarding an SNMPv3 request to an SNMPv2c proxy is broken. The debug shows the following (last line is the important one):
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)DEBUG : snmp_engine called with UTarget
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (4)DEBUG : SNMPMessage: return value for build message: (0)
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)DEBUG : ++ SNMP++: sending to
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 30 28 02 01 01 04 07 70 72 69 76 61 74 65 A0 1A
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 02 02 6F 22 02 01 00 02 01 00 30 0E 30 0C 06 08
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 2B 06 01 02 01 01 01 00 05 00
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)DEBUG : ++ SNMP++: something received...
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)DEBUG : Length received 76 from socket 4; fromlen 16
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)DEBUG : ++ SNMP++: data received from
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 30 4A 02 01 01 04 07 70 72 69 76 61 74 65 A2 3C
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 02 02 6F 22 02 01 00 02 01 00 30 30 30 2E 06 08
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 2B 06 01 02 01 01 01 00 04 22 41 47 45 4E 54 2B
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 2B 76 34 2E 37 2E 31 20 50 72 6F 78 79 20 28 73
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (3)DEBUG : 6C 6F 74 20 31 29 20 61 67 65 6E 74
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)DEBUG : receive_snmp_response requestID = 28450, returning SUCCESS.
20250207.06:10:07: 127390219945536: (1)INFO : MsgQueue: Ignore response that does not match message id: (id1) (type2) (msgid1) (msgid2: (28450), (28450), (414921791), (0)
It looks like this issue was introduced in snmp++ v3.5.0, which added this bit of code (starting at ‘#ifdef _SNMPv3’):
int CSNMPMessage::SetPdu(const int reason, const Pdu &pdu,
const UdpAddress & /* fromaddress */)
#ifdef _SNMPv3
if (m_pdu.get_message_id() != pdu.get_message_id())
LOG_BEGIN(loggerModuleName, INFO_LOG | 1);
LOG("MsgQueue: Ignore response that does not match message id: (id1) (type2) (msgid1) (msgid2");
return -1;
I think the issue is that it checks if the msgID matches, but because the SNMPv2c response from the proxy doesn’t contain a msgID, it’s set to 0 and the check fails.
I guess one possible fix would be to compare the requestID’s instead, but not sure if there would be security implication with regards to SNMPv3. Also if I am not mistaken the msgID gets incremented for each retry, whereas the requestID is not, so it wouldn’t be exactly the same behaviour.
This was tested with the latest release:
agent++ v4.7.1
snmp++ v3.6.2
Best Regards,