SNMP++ 3.6.0 and AGENT++ 3.7.0 Releases

SNMP++ 3.6.0 and AGENT++ 3.7.0 have been released with bugfixes and upgrade of the autoconf configuration to be compatible with version 2.71 or higher.


  • Upgraded: autoconf minimum supported version requirement to v2.71.
  • Changed: Do not disable Priv3DES_EDE class when compiling with OpenSSL and do not use deprecated API of OpenSSL 3.
  • Added: Allow storing coexistence_security_name values (i.e., v1/v2c communities) to return them in response messages instead of using the mapped security name, as required by RFC 3584 §5.2.2.


  • Upgraded: autoconf minimum supported version requirement to v2.71.
  • Fixed: Regression in 4.5.3 where SNMPv1/v2c response messages did contain coexistence mapped security name instead of the original received community as required by RFC 3584 §5.2.2. Now original community is returned again.
  • Fixed: NotificationOriginator did not pass Mib pointer to SnmpRequestV3::send() and so the static Mib::instance was used.
  • Fixed: Compilation error in threads.h.