SNMP4J 2.6, SNMP V3 snmpset fails, But net-snmp snmpset works fine

We are doing a snmpset using the SNMP4J version 2.6, API Library. with SNMP V3 Authentication.
The same works from command line net-snmp snmpset.

When analyzed with the network traces, we find, snmp4j, sends a single snmpset request to the destination.

But the net-snmp snmpset, everytime does the following:
First sends a getrequest
gets a report.
Second request is the snmpset,
a report is received with a Object Reference with an integer value.
Third request is again a snmpset same as second attempt.
This time, there a get-response, which indicates the varbinds set with the values passed.

It seems like, a session is maintained at the Agent to serve these requests and somehow the snmp4j is failing to connect and do the needful.

Need, support asap.

I guess that this is an error caused by not incrementing engineBootCount on the agent side properly or snmpEngineID is not unique.
Because of that, the engine ID or time discovery you observed with NET-SNMP does not happen with your SNMP4J based tool.