SNMP4J 3.4.4 and 2.8.6 Release

SNMP4J version 3.4.4 and 2.8.6 have been released 2020-11-13T23:00:00Z to fix bugs related to the DefaultTcpTransportMapping reconnection where a race condition could cause socket leakage.


  • SNMP4J 3.4.4: Java 9
  • SNMP4J 2.8.6: Java 8

Release Notes 3.4.4

  • Fixed [SFJ-235]: DefaultTcpTransportMapping and TLSTM leak sockets on a reconnect with race condition.
  • Added: AbstractTransportMapping.suspendAddress to suspend sending of messages to a specified address on behalf of TransportMapping.sendMessage.
  • Added: AbstractTransportMapping.resumeAddress to resume sending of messages to a specified address on behalf of TransportMapping.sendMessage which also (re)opens a connection to that address for connection oriented transport mappings if there is no such connection active yet.
  • Added: AbstractTransportMapping.handleDroppedMessageToSend to overwrite in a subclass to handle suspended messages (if needed).

Release Notes 2.8.6

  • Fixed [SFJ-235]: DefaultTcpTransportMapping and TLSTM leak sockets on a reconnect with race condition.