SNMP4J 3.7.0 Release

SNMP4J v3.7.0 has been released 2022-05-11T22:00:00Z. The transport mapping structure has been refactored to support Unix domain sockets.
Those will be available soon as an extra package which will require Java 16 or later and will be used by the next major version of SNMP4J-AgentX.

In addition a couple of TLS nio fixes have been applied.


  • Improved: Refactored org.snmp4j.transport to support unix domain socket transports and to reduce redundant code and improve performance and code quality.
  • Added: AbstractConnectionOrientedTransportMapping.
  • Changed: Replaced AbstractTcpServerThread by AbstractTransportServerThread.
  • Fixed: Possible busy loop on writable key if outAppBuffer is there for a socket entry (= remote address) but contains no data to be sent.
  • Fixed: Concurrent reconnect (TCP,TLS) to use existing connect instead of always replacing it by new connection.
  • Improved: will no longer rethrow RuntimeExceptions and Errors occurring while processing retries to make retry handling resilient against exceptions thrown in ResponseListener.onResponse() implementations.
  • Fixed: TLS session not closed if inbound is done by TLS 1.3 remote (i.e., because of a TLS version mismatch).
  • Improved: JavaDoc of fluent interface.