SNMP4J-Agent 3.5.4 Release

SNMP4J-Agent 3.5.4 has been released 2021-12-14T23:00:00Z with an important fix for the persistent storage of USM user keys and their correct loading from a properties file.


[2021-12-15] v3.5.4 (Requires SNMP4J v3.6.4 or later)

  • Fixed [AS-26]: Added missing constructor and setter for modifying PropertyMOInput's import mode.

[2021-12-04] v3.5.3 (Requires SNMP4J v3.6.3 or later)

  • Fixed [AS-24]: Made sure that authPassword and privPassword hidden columns are null if user is localised. This fixes a regression caused by SFJ-222 that generated wrong keys if users were initially loaded from properties file and localisation key was given.
  • Improved: Suppressed redundant usmUserChange event processing on USM entries created by UsmMIB itself.
  • Changed: Re-enabled secret logging in SampleAgent by default.

[2021-11-23] v3.5.2 (Requires SNMP4J v3.6.2 or later)

  • Fixed: Typo in MOQuery.subtractScope(MOScope scope) method name (if used in instrumentation code this change will cause changes in that code, i.e. there is no binary compatibility then).
  • Improved: JavaDoc.

[2021-11-15] v3.5.1 (Requires SNMP4J v3.6.1 or later)

  • Fixed [AS-23]: USM persistent data using SNMP4J-Agent-DB was not correctly restored for authNoPriv and authPriv users that have been changed using UsmKeyChange method via SNMP (authPriv was only affected if only a single key (auth or priv) was changed.
  • Fixed [SFJ-244]: Removed secret information (keys and passwords) from any log output. To reactivate output use SNMP4JSettings.setSecretLoggingEnabled(true).
  • Improved: JavaDoc.


  • Java 9 or later
  • SNMP4J 3.6.4