SNMP4J-Agent Release 3.2.2 (2.7.1)

SNMP4J-Agent 3.2.2 (and 2.7.1 for the Java 8 branch) have been released to fix the missing (D)TLS notification sending using the SNMP4J-TARGET-MIB and its (D)TLS specific extensions.


  • SNMP4J 3.3.1 (2.8.0)
  • Java 9 (Java 8)


  • Fixed [SFJ-207]: SNMP4J-Agent NotificationOriginatorImpl does not use snmpTlsAddrTable when sending TLS notifications.
  • Fixed: SnmpTargetMib.getTarget, SnmpTargetMib.SnmpTargetAddrEntryRow.getTarget and .getTlsTmTarget methods returned target definitions for inactive rows. Now only active rows will be used to determined target definitions.