SNMP4J Release 3.3.3 and 2.8.1

SNMP4J version 3.3.3 and 2.8.1 have been release to fix a bug in TimeTickes.setValue(String) that did not parse values without “days” correctly.


  • SNMP4J 3.3.3: Java 9
  • SNMP4J 2.8.1: Java 8

Release Notes 3.3.3

  • Fixed [SFJ-213]: TimeTicks.setValue does not parse formatted strings without “days” correctly.

Release Notes 2.8.1

  • Fixed [SFJ-212]: TLS SecurityNameMapping provides a fallback security name for non-standard mappings which is not used.
  • Fixed [SFJ-213]: TimeTicks.setValue does not parse formatted strings without “days” correctly.