SNMP4J Release 3.4.0

SNMP4J 3.4.0 has been released 2020-03-04T23:00:00Z which an notable new feature implemented around the new class DirectUserTarget:

With that new class, USM users for confirmed requests can be directly provided to the Snmp session/TransportMapping respectively without the need to add the UsmUser to the USM beforehand.
See the following FAQ article for details and an example:


  • Java 9 or later


  • Added [SFJ-216]: Added support for USM localised keys directly in DirectUserTarget which allows sending request and receiving their responses without previously adding the USM user to the USM model. Instead the new class DirectUserTarget can be used to fully specify a SNMPv3 USM user target.
  • Added: SecurityProtocols.getSecurityProtocolOIDs, Snmnp.setLocalizedUserCredentials, Snmp.createLocalizedUsmUserEntry methods to better support SFJ-216.
  • Fixed SFJ-196: UsmUser got storage type from existing entry when the same user is loaded from persistent storage which is incorrect for storage types less than permanent(4).
  • Added: SecurityProtocols.getSecurityProtocolOIDs method.
  • Added: OctetString.fromString to create null-safe an OctetString object from a Java String.
  • Changed: OctetString.from*** methods are now null-safe, i.e. those methods return null instead of trowing a NullPointerException if the provided value is null.