Is there support for the ipv6 MIB Ipv6Address?

I would like to send an ipv6AddressEntry as a VarBind in a trap. It is a new type, Ipv6AddressType (OID ipv6AddrAddress reference info). An IpAddress is explicitly for ipv4 only.

The only forum posts/stackoverflows address sending to an ipv6 target. I am sending to an ipv4 target, but want the trap to carry an ipv6 address as a varbind.

Is this available in snmp4j 2.8.2 (due to my java 8 dependency)?


Yes, you can send an IPv6 address as variable binding in a notification with any SNMP4J version. On the wire, it will be encoded as an OCTET STRING. See Imports from IPV6-TC unknown for details and link to the correct MIB definition (the one you quoted above is deprecated).